A secure place for your precious metals

To reduce the costs and security risks of keeping large amounts of your precious metals. We partnered with an International Vaults facility to offer Rubyta’s clients a choice of secure precious metals storage in Dublin, Zurich, London and Hong Kong.


Storage and Insurance for your precious metals. Secure allocated storage for your bullion gold, platinum, and palladium items for small or large investors. It enables you, to keep control of your gold investment while preserving safety and security.

Safe Deposit Box

A safe deposit box is an individually stored container held within a high secure safe deposit box Facility or vault which is only accessible to the key holder. The renter agrees to pay an annual fee for safe deposit box to used to store valuable possessions that an individual or organisation may not wish to store at home or at their place of work.  The box, which can only be opened by combining the use of an assigned key, facial recognition/verification and biometric security.

Why use storage or Safe Deposit Box over home delivery?


Secure storage ensures your precious metals are safely held. The storage  solutions are fully insured. It should be more cost-effective to store facility, due to the high level of security in thier facilities, compared to storing at home or in a safety deposit box. Please be aware that a safe deposit box may not come with insurance.

Transparency and Accessibility

Rubyta has partnered with the most professional and well-known precious metals storage companies in the industry in offering external precious metals vaulting solutions to our Irish clients in a number of international locations in Europe and Asia.

Competitive Storage Costs

The standard box size can easily accommodate that value of gold and costs only €199 per annum, a significant saving. In addition, the storage costs are fixed and not linked to the value of the bullion. There is also an option to fully insure for a small extra charge.

How to buy bullion gold with Storage?

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